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Transform your Life with CoachedbyRoxy


About Me

Hi my name is Charlene Roxana. Thank you for looking at my website.
I hope you will find something here that resonates with you.

Up until 2 years ago I was working as a substance misuse counsellor with over 20 years of experience. Most of this was in the NHS.

Although challenging, this was also rewarding. I learned how complex and fragile human beings and the world of addiction is. I also learned the importance of not passing judgement on anyone.

I found that some, but not all of my clients; had turned to drugs and/or alcohol use due to, low self esteem, pain and anxiety. Some of these negative mindsets and lack of self worth are a result of abuse.
Some of the clients I worked with who were directly affected by abusive childhoods whether from neglect, sexual or physical abuse, or who had witnessed domestic violence as children had a common theme which followed them into adult hood, and that was low self esteem.

 This lack of self worth manifests itself into self doubt, self loathing, lack of trust and feelings of helplessness and mistrust.
Whilst on their recovery journey it was always very empowering for me to watch my clients begin to value themselves and realise their worth by seeing what was possible if they just believed in themselves which in turn helped them through their recovery.

Abuse comes in all forms; physical,sexual,emotional and verbal. This causes low self esteem, anxiety,depression and often a lack of motivation. Low self esteem and negative thought patterns can hinder our ability to pursue our personal and/or professional goals.

Speaking from personal experience, the abuse in my past made me very insecure about myself. I lacked self worth which made it difficult to believe in myself and my ability to be successful in life. I never quite believed that I was good enough.
You wouldn't know by looking at me though. I have always been very bubbly and out going on the outside but was very clever at hiding how I was feeling inside. Does this sound like you? 

My life has been transformed through, God, personal development, hard work, determination and a sense of purpose. I was so tired of hiding behind my smile when there was this other person inside me crying out to be free, to be happy. I now know my true worth and have been able to achieve my goal of setting up my own business helping people to overcome the pains of their past, so that like me they can go on to live happy, fulfilled lives.

I currently work with men and women who recognise that they want to be free from negative mindsets that are holding them back from achieving their personal and/or professional goals.
Maybe you don't think you are worth investing in so let's explore that, let's explore why you would not want to live a happier and healthier life. Imagine how it will feel when you are free from negative thoughts and self doubt to a life where you begin to realise your potential and see that you are important and your dreams are ready to be achieved.
If you are ready to make the changes necessary to live a happy and contented life, one where you can put those hidden, painful truths behind you and finally embrace your worth, let's arrange a free 30 minute discovery call so we can begin your transformation.

"I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own"

Audre Lorde




Take a look at some of the blogs I have created especially for you.

Read testimonies from some of my clients to see what they think of the services that I provide.

See what packages may be helpful for you and feel free to email me and ask about anything you are unsure of.

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