They say "as a man thinketh so is he.."
This is such a true statement.
Whatever we are telling ourselves, whether its good things or bad;
If we continue to believe those things that we feed our minds with, we will eventually manifest those things into our lives.
Remind yourself of your achievements no matter how big or small...
Maybe your upset at not passing your driving test, when all your neighbour wishes they could do is ride a bike like you can. Celebrate yourself for what you have done or simply for who you are.
If you continue to feed on negative thoughts about yourself, you will attract negative energy into your life which will make it difficult to achieve your dreams.
Take a look inside, remember where you have come from. Rebuke that voice inside that says you are not good enough and start changing your mindset by loving yourself and being your own champion. Stop chipping away at yourself.
If you need to heal from a past hurt or incident then take time to do that.
Its ok to make mistakes, its ok not to have all the answers, but its not ok to keep putting yourself down.
I have spent many a year beating myself up over mistakes that I have made, and its not easy to stop feeling guilty or worthless especially if my actions impacted others close to me, but there came a time when I had to let go and learn to live. I accept my faults and learned to heal from the inside so I could be free from my own negative energy.
Start from inside and see what happens on the outside.